Anti-Aging Mechanism

Can anyone turn back or stop time? No one, right? But who said aging could not be beautiful and signs of aging cannot be delayed? Well. For those who do not believe in the wisdom we share, you have to try and see it for yourself.

Skin has a lot more potential than you think. All it needs is the correct amount of care to make you look young and radiant. Anti-aging is a broad category, and the industry tries to cater to all aging-related issues with appropriate skincare products. With so much information to look for, you'd go nuts to decide what to choose.  

· So, what exactly are antiaging ingredients?

Well, though you cannot turn back time to become a teenager again, you definitely can make the signs of aging appear a lot later than the current age at which most of us start seeing initial signs of aging.  

· What exactly are the signs of aging? 

Wrinkles, fine lines, dull, loose, et al. are the most common visible signs. Some of us also experience dark spots due to pigmentation or melasma as we age. When looked at all these signs together, they have different reasons to appear, but with time comes wisdom. This wisdom, if acquired, can help you know which ingredients to use when targeting different signs.  

Mechanism of aging: 

As we age, the topmost layer of the skin, the epidermis, begins to lose its integrity. This makes the skin look pale, thin and translucent. Even the blood vessels under the skin become visible. The skin's topmost layer loses its cells due to wear and tear, but in the latter part of life, the rate at which skin can recover these lost cells becomes slow.

When we're older, the fiber called elastin breaks down, causing the skin to sag. Gravity can also cause the skin around the eyes and brows to droop. Fine lines and other lines caused by facial muscle movement lines like laugh lines & crow's feet become more prominent.

Since the subcutaneous fat layer starts thinning when you age, it offers less insulation & protection from external elements like the weather and injuries. 

At what age do you see the first signs of aging? 

Earlier it was observed that people started observing signs of aging in their late 30s or early 40s. Today, with so much stress, internally and externally, exhaustion has made a real difference. People have started observing signs of aging in their early 20s.  

Along with the ingredients, one has to also take care of when and how to use the ingredients:  

  • When beginning with an anti-agingskincare regimen, always ensure your skin is not unclean or infected with various bacteria present on the skin.  
  • Never forget a moisturizer, I repeat never! All age groups require some moisture to keep the skin hydrated, but as you age in your late 30s and early 40s, skin starts to show the signs of aging naturally, even if you have had a healthy genetic makeup. To delay this or to reduce the appearance, moisturizer becomes more important.  
  • Don't use multiple antiaging products at the same time. It is always recommended that you use one product at a time and wait for it to work for you.  
  • In case of irritation, allergy, or itching, try discontinue the product as the skin is a bit more vulnerable at this point.  
  • Drink ample amounts of water and eat your greens, berries, and healthy fats to ensure nothing lacks your nutrient requirement.  


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